
"Incident-Free Operations"


The North Texas Exploration and Production Safety Network (Charter), commonly known as the NTEPS Network (NTEPS.com), promotes safety, health and environmental improvement in the exploration and production of oil and gas in the North Texas corridor. The NTEPS Network fosters a work environment that relies upon open communication and trust.


The NTEPS Network includes Operators and Contractors in the Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, and Product Transmission industry as equally valued members in partnership with OSHA, NIOSH, API, AESC, IADC, IPAA, other trade associations and educators across the country. The NTEPS Network encompasses the geographic region within the North Texas corridor within the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex and surrounding areas.

Methods The NTEPS Network will:

  • Meet periodically to share and discuss safety, health and environmental incidents, best practices, emerging trends, and related issues.
  • Establish focus groups to address specific issues.
  • Work with others interested in the advancement of worker health, safety, security, and the environment.

Resources Required

Member companies should designate representatives to participate in meetings, contributing knowledge, information, and support.

Charter Approval

This charter was approved by the majority of the members present at the February 26, 2009 NTEPS Network meeting.